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I am currently a first year in the non-thesis Master's of Microbial Biotechnology (MMB) program. The North Carolina State University based graduate program supplements a scientific understanding with business experience, as many aspects of the program teach students to apply their scientific minds to business situations. My coursework focuses on biomanufacturing and industrial biotechnology, as well as hopefully yielding me a certification in upstream bioprocessing. While many MMB students enter an MBA program following graduation, I still have not decided if I will pursue this track. Regardless, I know my experiences in the MMB program will provide the necessary perspective to become a pivotal collaborator in the biotechnology industry. 


The MMB program exposes students to a variety of projects. The projects sharpen student communication, teamwork, and professional skills. Each semester involves a practicum, or a collaboration with industry professionals. The practicum projects give both the students, and the companies, valuable insights into the biotechnology industry. Besides the central practicums, the program offers networking opportunities and a plethora of opportunities to learn how to effectively communicate -- individually and as a team.

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